Biorobotics Laboratory BioRob

Project Database

This page contains the database of possible research projects for master and bachelor students in the Biorobotics Laboratory (BioRob). Visiting students are also welcome to join BioRob, but it should be noted that no funding is offered for those projects. To enroll for a project, please directly contact one of the assistants (directly in his/her office, by phone or by mail). Spontaneous propositions for projects are also welcome, if they are related to the research topics of BioRob, see the BioRob Research pages and the results of previous student projects.

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Amphibious robotics
Computational Neuroscience
Dynamical systems
Human-exoskeleton dynamics and control
Humanoid robotics
Mobile robotics
Modular robotics
Neuro-muscular modelling
Quadruped robotics

Amphibious robotics

741 – Development of a series elastic actuator with torque/force control
Category:semester project, master project (full-time)
Keywords:Compliance, Control, Embedded Systems, Prototyping, Robotics
Type:20% theory, 60% hardware, 20% software
Responsible: (MED 1 1626, phone: 38676)
Description:This project aims to continue the development of a series elastic actuator (SEA) for a salamander robot. Despite the availability of various off-the-shelf servo motors, it is difficult to find one that can provide accurate torque/force control to validate advanced control methods involving musculoskeletal models, provide large torque output, and be compact in size. SEAs are promising in satisfying these requirements, see this paper as an example: A preliminary design of the geared motor that will drive the elastic component has been completed. This project will mainly focus on the design and manufacturing of the elastic component, the programming of the electronics, and the design of the feedback controller. Multiple iterations of testing and improvement will be needed, so the student is expected to have great time management skills. If there is sufficient time, the following topics can be explored: (1) Modify the design to test hypotheses about multiarticular muscles. (2) Integrate the motor to a salamander robot and test various scientific hypotheses. (3) Waterproofing the motor module for amphibious applications. Students with a solid background in mechanical design and control theory are preferred. Interested students could send CVs, transcripts, materials that can demonstrate project experience (videos, slides, reports, etc.), if possible, and several potential time slots for a quick meeting to

Last edited: 24/06/2024

Human-exoskeleton dynamics and control

735 – Hip exoskeleton to assist walking - multiple projects
Category:semester project, master project (full-time), bachelor semester project, internship
Keywords:Bio-inspiration, C, C++, Communication, Compliance, Control, Data Processing, Dynamics Model, Electronics, Experiments, Inverse Dynamics, Kinematics Model, Learning, Locomotion, Machine learning, Optimization, Programming, Python, Robotics, Treadmill
Type:30% theory, 35% hardware, 35% software
Responsible: (MED 3 1015, phone: 31153)
Description:Exoskeletons have experienced an unprecedented growth in recent years and hip-targeting active devices have demonstrated their potential in assisting walking activities. Portable exoskeletons are designed to provide assistive torques while taking off the added weight, with the overall goal of increasing the endurance, reducing the energetic expenditure and increase the performance during walking. The design of exoskeletons involves the development of the sensing, the actuation, the control, and the human-robot interface. In our lab, a hip-joint active hip orthosis (“eWalk”) has been prototyped and tested in recent years. Currently, multiple projects are available to address open research questions. Does the exoskeleton reduce the effort while walking? How can we model human-exoskeleton interaction? How can we design effective controls? How can we optimize the interfaces and the control? Which movements can we assist with exoskeletons? To address these challenges, the field necessitates knowledge in biology, mechanics, electronics, physiology, informatics (programming, learning algorithms), and human-robot interaction. If you are interested in collaborating in one of these topics, please send an email to with your CV, previous experiences that could be relevant to the project, and what interests you the most about this research topic (to be discussed during the interview).

Last edited: 19/04/2024

Quadruped robotics

A small excerpt of possible projects is listed here. Highly interested students may also propose projects, or continue an existing topic.

743 – Quadruped Robot Projects (Several)
Category:semester project, master project (full-time)
Keywords:Agility, Artificial muscles, Bio-inspiration, C++, Computer Science, Control, Experiments, Learning, Locomotion, Machine learning, Muscle modeling, Online Optimization, Optimization, Programming, Python, Quadruped Locomotion, Robotics, Simulator, Vision
Type:10% theory, 20% hardware, 70% software
Responsible: (MED 1 1024, phone: 37506)
Description:There are several quadruped robot projects available related to locomotion, jumping, and human-robot interaction, with methodologies including deep reinforcement learning, imitation learning, optimal control, and computer vision. Students who already have experience with deep learning, C++, vision, and who have worked with hardware are especially encouraged to apply. Please send Guillaume your CV, transcript, and explain your motivation on what kind of topics you would be interested in working on (more details = better!).

Last edited: 18/07/2024
652 – Integrating Learning-Based Control with MPC and CPGs
Category:semester project, master project (full-time), internship
Keywords:Bio-inspiration, Control, Learning, Locomotion, Optimization, Robotics
Type:40% theory, 60% software
Responsible: (MED 1 1024, phone: 37506)
Description:Recent years have shown impressive locomotion control of dynamic systems through a variety of methods, for example with optimal control (MPC), machine learning (deep reinforcement learning), and bio-inspired approaches (CPGs). Given a system for which two or more of these methods exist: how should we choose which to use at run time? Should this depend on environmental factors, i.e. the expected value of a given state? Can this help with explainability of what exactly our deep reinforcement learning policy has learned? In this project, the student will use machine learning to answer these questions, as well as integrate CPGs and MPC into the deep reinforcement learning framework. The methods will be validated on systems including quadrupeds and model cars first in simulation, with the goal of transferring the method to hardware. To apply, please email Guillaume with your motivation, CV, and briefly describe your relevant experience (i.e. with machine learning, software engineering, etc.).

Last edited: 09/01/2024 (revalidated 18/07/2024)

4 projects found.