Biorobotics Laboratory BioRob

Anurag Tripathi (Summer Internship 2003)

Analysis of hydrodynamic forces on a
swimming salamander model.

The aim of this project was to analyse the influence of hydrodynamic forces on a swimming salamander model (developed by Simon Capern and Alessandro Crespi). The analysis was performed on two salamander models: the snake model and the legged model. The project was developed with the help of the ODE engine. Results of the analysis done on both models were compared to ascertain the influence of limbs on the swimming motion of salamander model. Results of this analysis will be compared with those obtained from experiments to be performed on a real salamander robot. Directional control of salamander model with the help of limbs has been displayed in the form of movies.

Project report:

Project Report (in pdf format): Report.pdf

Sample movies:

2-D swimming of snake model: avi movie (12.7 MB)
3-D swimming of snake model: avi movie (55.9 MB), avi movie (23.0 MB)
Swimming of legged model: avi movie (1.5 MB)
Lighter model suspended in water: avi movie (3.1 MB)

Directional Control with the help of passive limbs:
Upward motion of legged model: avi movie (3.8 MB), avi movie (3.6 MB)
Downward motion of salamander model: avi movie (3.6 MB), avi movie (2.1 MB)
Reversal of direction of motion: avi movie (4.0 MB)